Terminal Tower

Cleveland State University Bookstore

Cleveland State University Bookstore

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Hotdog

Car belonging to ?

Pshis Flying Hotdog

Exterior of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame


We got a private tour of the USS Cod


Dining Area

Officer Quarters

Food Stored anywhere they could

Control Panal




Little Airport

Lakeview Cemetery

James Garfield Monument

James Garfield Monument

James Garfield Monument

James Garfield Monument

James Garfield Statue in the Monument

James Garfield Statue in the Monument

James Garfield Statue in the Monument

James Garfield Statue in the Monument

Top of the Dome

James Garfield Statue in the Monument

Looking down from the balcony

Looking onto the grass below

James Garfield Casket

James Garfield Casket

James & Lucretia Garfields Caskets

James & Lucretia Garfields Caskets

Lucretia Garfields Casket

James & Lucretia Garfields Caskets

James & Lucretia Garfields Caskets

James & Lucretia Garfields Caskets

Tomb Entrance

My cousin Christopher Columbi's ashes are in the same cemetery

Cleveland State University

Lounge at the Marriott